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 Our Story


 We are Do It Yourself Bathroom Center.  We've been helping people remodel their bathrooms for over 40 years.

In 1978 Rich and Eva opened the Do It Yourself Bathroom store in an old west side tavern.  We 
have seen a lot of stores come and go and we are very much aware 
that stores like ours are vanishing breed.  We are independent – we are not 
affiliated with any chain store – we alone are responsible for running 
our store.  We are here 6 days a week and thoroughly enjoy it.  We 
carefully chose all of our products.  With an almost unlimited variety of quality merchandise we carry and offer you can be sure to find the best fit for your needs here.  We feature factory direct pricing and free quality bathroom design service.  

We can show you how to create a truly water-proof tile job.

Not everyone wants to "do it themselves"  That is just fine.  We have a contractors to recommend, that we have built relationships with over the past 20+ years 


How it all started

Before Do It Yourself Bathroom Center was started, Rich Libbey was a corporate personnel trainor.  He and his wife Eva had six children and had just bought an old 20+ room house in Wauwatosa. He added plumbing, bathrooms and tile-work as they remodeled.  During this process Rich learned how cement work was done in the tile industry. He then developed a system that created  permanent/ waterproof tile walls and floors for showering, bathing, basements, kitchens and laundry rooms.

Once Rich had finished with the work in his own home his neighbors, seeing the beautiful tile work, convinced him to remodel their bathrooms as well.  The word of spread and the demand for his tile-work increased and this soon became a full-time job.  Employing two crews to accommodate the work load and eventually hiring a plumber friend to install the tubs and showers.  Learning the plumbing system over several years, he then became a complete bathroom remodeler.


Encouraged to show his work in a showroom setting, by both his suppliers and customers Rich and Eva Purchased an old tavern in West Allis and began transforming it into Do It Yourself Bathroom Center.  They put the kids to work on gutting and cleaning the store to get it ready for displays.   Eva Libbey was the first bathroom designer at Do It Yourself Bathroom Center.  Eva's design work filled the showroom and Rich trained the bath experts who helped the new "Do It Yourselfers" who came into their store.  Many of whom still work here today!  Rich then developed a classroom bath remodeling program for homeowners.  Running 32 of these two-night classes per year.


Now 40+ years later, our experts are here to help you design and walk you through your remodeling projects.  Whether you want to dive into the "Do It Yourself" waters or you'd like to work with one of our recommended installers we can help you.


Please let us know how your heard about our store.



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Monday 10-6
Tuesday - Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-3
Sunday Closed


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